We are committed to a sustainable approach to exploration and mining. Transparent and responsible practices are critical to our long-term success. Our priorities are our people, our communities and our environment.

We achieve this by:

  • Designing, developing and operating company facilities with the goal of minimising the environmental impact.

  • Implementing procedures and practices to ensure the efficient use of water, energy and other resources.

  • Responsibly managing the Company’s waste.

  • Regularly monitoring our environmental Impact and adapting procedures and practices where required.

Our Approach to Sustainability


At Clara Resources, we recognize the critical importance of environmental stewardship in our operations. We are committed to conducting our activities in a responsible and sustainable manner, ensuring the protection of the environment for current and future generations. Our environmental management approach is guided by the following principles:

1. Conservation and Preservation

2. Compliance and Regulation

3. Pollution Prevention

4. Rehabilitation and Reclamation

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our employees, contractors, and communities is our top priority. We are dedicated to fostering a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being of all individuals and ensures a safe working environment. Our health and
safety management approach is founded on the following principles:

1. Prevention of Harm

2. Compliance, Training and Education

3. Emergency Preparedness

4. Transparency and Accountability


We actively engage with local communities, indigenous peoples, and stakeholders to foster transparent communication and collaboration. By listening to community concerns and incorporating local knowledge, we strive to address environmental issues and promote mutual understanding.